Asheville Movies

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Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb

Traditional documentary filmmaking doesn’t get much better than Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb.

Directed by Gottlieb’s daughter, Lizzie, the spirited chronicle of the beloved literary figures and the ways in which their professional lives have intersected carries a sense of urgency as both men approach their 90s, yet takes its time exploring and celebrating their lives, accomplishments, and particularities.

Unfolding like a brilliant story penned by Caro and edited by Gottlieb, Turn Every Page weaves past and present together in thrilling fashion, presenting a compelling case for both Bobs as two of the most important forces in 20th — and 21st — century literature.

But more than anything, the film allows viewers to spend a few hours in the collaborators’ worlds, and it’s a joy to be in their company.

Grade: A-minus. Rated PG. Now playing at the Fine Arts Theatre

(Photo: Sony Pictures Classics)